GE Predix/ Industrial Internet Meetup in Silicon Valley

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    Agenda:   6:00 - Doors open. Networking. Members meet each other.  6:20 - Welcome. Members to share topics of interests for future meetings.  6:30 - Talk #1. Security of IoT Data: Implementing Data-Centric Security and User Access Strategy by Prasad Mujumdar, Software Engineer at BlueTalon 7:10 - Q&A break.   7:20 - Talk #2. Role of Mobile in Industrial IoT by Sundar Krish, CEO at 8:00 - Q&A break & wrap-up. Want to give a talk? fill in this form #PredixSV Talk #1. Security of IoT Data: Implementing Data-Centric Security and User Access Strategy by Prasad Mujumdar, Software Engineer at BlueTalon  This session will articulate how a data-centric security approach unifies all security policies around the data, for full visibility and better control. Prasad Mujumdar from BlueTalon will provide a checklist to help you implement the best possible data security and user access control strategy. He will also describe how the BlueTalon security solution can be used in the context of the Predix platform to control and keep visibility over data access.  Talk #2. Role of Mobile in Industrial IoT by Sundar Krish, CEO at Industrial IoT is generally believed to be accelerated by the technologies & products, getting better and cheaper in the sensor, egde computing, cloud, network connectivity and the big data space. However, one mega trend that actually contributes a lot more to Industrial IoT, yet somewhat under appreciated, is Mobile. Every industrial worker these days has a smartphone, and what this does is bring in a whole lot of users, compared to just a handful of them before, and this explosion of user base will be crucial factor for innovations in Industrial IoT. Sundar Krish, CEO & Founder of Waygum will talk about how mobile technologies, and the ubiquity of smartphones is revolutionizing Industrial IoT. About sponsors:   Altoros's unique specialty is turning services from Predix Catalog into apps carrying competitive advantage for its customers. For example, Altoros has built a real time baggage tracking solution - BagTrack - a service for airlines and airports that need to bring customer experience up to speed when it comes to letting the customer know, in real-time, status and location of your bag. Altoros provides private/public hackathons, training, application prototyping, development and integration services using solutions offered by GE, Predix Catalog and GE Digital ecosystem.  CBTS provides end-to-end IT and communications solutions that allow mid-sized and enterprise businesses to improve operational efficiency, enable innovation, mitigate risk and reduce expenditures. From building enablement infrastructure, to deploying cloud services, to employing managed services, to offering top-notch technology consultants, CBTS is your technology partner to gain a competitive edge and deliver quality services.  NOTE: This Meetup group is not affiliated with GE. This Meetup group does not own the GE Predix trademark; this Meetup has no affiliation, connection or association with such third party; Such third party has not approved nor sponsored this Meetup group's use of the trademark in any way.  



    From 7th February 2017 - 06:00 PM
    to 7th February 2017 - 08:30 PM