Genesys Hackathon - TOP PRIZE: 3 APPLE WATCHES
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Are you ready for another Genesys Hackathon? REGISTER HERE: Genesys will be hosting a Hackathon on Saturday September 26 - Sunday September 27, with the top prize of 3 Apple Watches up for grabs!! Teams should be constructed of 3 or less; each team member of the winning teams will each receive one unit of the respective prize. There are a limited number of spots available for this event, be sure to sign up early! We are expecting a large number of applicants to register, and will be going through a selection process of identifying and vetting qualified participants by using a screening system. A generous amount of food and beverages will be provided. ------------------------------------------------------------------ All participants will receive: -Free admission to the Toronto Tech Summit on October 1st, 2015 -Two days of Hacking -Generous amount of food and drinks will be supplied -Opportunity to win various prizes -Tshirt designed by our expert UX team Prizes -First Place: 3 Apple Watches -Second Place: TBA -Third Place: TBA Judges & Rules TBA Two-Day Schedule: Saturday September 26, 2015 • 5 - 5:45 PM - Registration • 5:45 - 6 PM - Introduction to APIs (Participant set-up time) • 6 PM - Hackathon Begins • 7:30 PM - Dinner • 11 PM - Snack Break Sunday September 27, 2015 • 2 AM - Pizza Break • 5 AM - Snack Break • 9 AM - Breakfast • 12 PM - Hackathon Ends • 12 - 2 PM - All teams present to judges • 2 PM - Snack Break • 2:30 PM - Top 3 team announced Top 3 Teams Chosen by Judges will present their design at the Genesys Toronto Technology Summit on Thursday, October 1st. The winners will be determined by the audience. More details about the Hackathon coming soon.