GirlCodeHack Workshop - Software Fundamentals
Organized by
GirlCode Workshop Series: Software Development Fundamentals (HTML and CSS)
The annual GirlCode Hackathon has been running for 3 years and this year we plan on enhancing that experience by providing monthly workshop series that will enable participants to hone their skills leading up to the hackathon.HTML is the backbone of the internet, and its formatting is controlled by CSS (cascading style sheets). These two languages are the foundation for every single web page and application we encounter on a daily basis and are the natural entry point for anyone interested in code.This workshop is the first of 6 workshops. We will start with training presentations on HTML and CSS, followed by practical training where participants will be led through the steps of coding a simple HTML web page and styling it with CSS for both desktop browsers and mobile devices. During this session, participants will be given resources to help them continue learning. Mentors will be walking the floor helping participants with their skills.This workshop is crucial to anyone who wants to learn to code, regardless of their current industry. It is also valuable to people working or studying in the tech industry, who want a better understanding of their subject matter.
The Workshop will be hosted by Entelect at their Melrose Arch offices.We look forward to seeing you all there!
From 25th February 2017 - 08:30 AM
to 25th February 2017 - 12:00 PM
to 25th February 2017 - 12:00 PM