Give me my candy! Robot design workshop
Organized by
Building simple robots with Raspberry Pi and Scratch is easy! Come and check it out. Help redesign a candy-dispensing robot. In this meetup, you will see how the original gumball robot was built, and how the various parts work together. You’ll be shown how the robot is controlled using Scratch programming, and you will get to reprogram and redesign the robot to change how you use it and interact with it.
Open to anyone 8 and older. Under 12? Bring a parent/caregiver. Bring a fully charged laptop with you. Robot costumes welcome (as it’s October 31st!).
This workshop will be led by Adriana Ieraci. Adriana is the Founder of the Get Your Bot On! Robotics Hackathon, and the Founder of Conveyor Built - a design and innovation skills training consultancy. Adriana also teaches entrepreneurship and product design at the University of Toronto Faculty of Information. You can connect with her on Twitter: @adrianai.
Give me my candy! is part of 2015's One Book One Markham (#MarkhamReads) community wide reading program. This year we are reading Little Brother, by Cory Doctorow. Download a free copy of Little Brother, or pick one up from your local library branch, or bookstore.
Check for additional One Book One Markham (#MarkhamReads) events, or visit for complete details.