Global Travel Hackathon - London Edition

Organized by

Hack travel and make it smarter, sustainable and accessible for everyone.

At, we care. We love the world of travel, but we’re aware of its dark side. That’s why we’re inviting everyone to help us reshape the way we travel to make it smarter, sustainable and accessible for everyone.

Let’s celebrate World Tourism Day by attending and organizing travel hackathons all over the globe on 27 September. We want to bring together engineers, designers, and innovators: providing them with a creative and supportive environment and encouraging their ideas on how to hack travel.

We hope to trigger a global #HackTravel movement that would become a platform for constant improvement in the travel industry. Here are the main topics for this year:

  • Sustainability
  • Accessibility
  • Community


Microsoft Reactor
London, United Kingdom


From 27th September 2019 - 07:00 PM
to 28th September 2019 - 07:00 PM


1st prize - €1,000
2nd prize - €400
3rd prize - €200