GrowUp Cannabis Hackathon

Organized by

    The first-ever GrowUp Cannabis Hackathon will take place Sept. 6-7, where hackers will build innovative tech solutions to the fast-growing cannabis industry. Competing hackers will explore ideas for tracking, purchasing, reporting, strain identification, verification, integration with the entertainment industry, and much more. After a 24 hour overnight hacking session in Toronto, the winning teams head to Niagara Falls for the awards presentations and ceremony at the GrowUp Conference. Confirmed partners include Trellis, Cannabis & Tech Today, Leaf Forward,, LyricFind, LyricMerch, TourBuds, Brainsights, Beanfield, RadioMogul by Mediazoic, Hotbox, Rosenzweig & Co, Merry Jane, PAX, Hacker Noon and Devpost. Plus restaurant partners Smoke's Poutinerie and Quesada Burritos. Confirmed judges include Jay Rosenzweig (Managing Director of Rosenzweig & Co), Alex Blumenstein (Co-Founder of Leaf Forward, Canada's first cannabis business accelerator),  Matt Shalhoub (Managing Director of Green Acre Capital), and Rachel Colic (VP Brand Strategy & PR for Pure Global Cannabis Inc.). PRIZES: 1) Fine art Cannabis photographs from Cali Brothers Cannabis Prints. Top shelf, fine art photographs of quality cannabis flowers printed on metal.  2) One year free Leaf Club membership for the winning team (up to five members) + Five Office Hours sessions with the Leaf Forward (Canada’s first and leading cannabis business accelerator) team. 3) Original GrowUp Hackathon LyricMerch T-Shirts with lyrics for "Easy Skanking" printed on front. We'll outfit each winning team 4) TourBuds VIP Trip to Niagara Falls for GrowUp Hackathon Winners. The 3 winning teams will get to travel in luxury on the amazing TourBuds bus, round trip from Toronto to Niagara Falls on Friday Sept. 7 after the hackathon ends. 5)  Pax 3 Complete Kits. Courtesy of Pax and HotBox. 4) Cannabis & Tech Today  subscription. Cannabis & Tech Today is a quarterly publication specializing in technological advancements, business innovations, and popular culture pertaining to the marijuana industry.  Questions? Email


    Toronto, Canada


    From 6th September 2018 - 01:00 PM
    to 7th September 2018 - 01:00 PM