Hack For Community Impact

Organized by Ipswich Girls Grammar and Junior Grammar School 

Hack to Impact the Community

Secondary school students (grades 7 - 12) and young adults in the greater Brisbane area!  The Ipswich Girls Grammar and Junior Grammar School invites you to participate in the inaugural 3-day Hack For Community Impact.  You'll get to collaborate with creative minds, innovators, and community advocates to design and prototype an innovative solution that addresses one or more of the #IGGSHACK focus areas for the local Ipswich community:

  • Youth: Retaining youth talent
  • Safety: How to shift perception
  • Community: Community collaboration and new initiatives

So come and collaborate and compete for awesome prizes. Click on the hackathon tips page for advice on participation!


Ipswich Girls' Grammar School
Ipswich, Australia


From 26th March 2021 - 05:00 PM
to 28th March 2021 - 02:00 PM