Hack For Good 2020 - Body Hack Hackathon

Organized by geekspeak Commerce

Solving Healthcare problems through technology

*** Due to the COVID-19 virus, this 4th annual Hackathon has been postponed ***

Developers, designers, marketers, healthcare workers, engineers, and more in Ontario — both professionals and students!  You're invited to take part in Hack For Good 2020 - Body Hack Hackathon. Come as part of a team of between 2 and 5 members, or join one at the event. In this 36-hour event, you'll be challenged to design and build a hardware and/or software prototype that addresses a specific healthcare issue — perhaps a diagnostic, a treatment, a prosthetic device, or whatever you choose.

Be prepared to participate with the best hackathon advice!


129 Brock St N
Whitby, Canada


From 13th March 2020 - 09:00 AM
to 14th March 2020 - 09:00 PM