Hack-N-Code 2.0

Organized by

    Join IET MPSTME's Hack N Code 2.0 in collaboration with Hackerearth, in Mumbai on the 7th of October, to discuss more about the social impacts which technocrats can have in different real world scenarios and meet with subject matter experts in various domains.The objective of the Hackathon is to propose innovative solutions that can be used by Non Profit organizations to solve a problem proposed by them, thereby helping them carry out their work with more efficiency.There is no restriction with respect to language or interfaces, it's a completely platform independent hackathon.Students, developers and open source contributors between ages 17-25 are welcome to the hackathon, and exciting prizes and goodies are waiting for you!Why should I be part of Hack N Code 2.0?-Update yourself with the latest trends in technology-Meet SMEs and other developers and expand your scope of implementation knowledge-Receive significant prizes and goodiesHow do I know if I am qualified to join?If you:- Are curious and willing to learn new things- Are interested in developing projects- Have problem solving abilities then we'll see you on the 7th of October in NMIMS, Mumbai at 9:00 AM. Participation can be solo, duo or in groups of three.


    Mumbai, India


    From 7th October 2018 - 08:00 AM
    to 7th October 2018 - 09:00 PM