Hack the Goals – Palestinian Territory - Gaza
Organized by
IntroductionHack The Goals is a worldwide movement of hackathons organised by Enabel, the Belgian development agency. The hackathons enable citizens to discuss, reflect on and identify innovative solutions for real life problems that help advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The HackathonAt the end the 2-day hackathon, the Hack the Goals teams will present their design concept that accelerates the achievement of the SDGs. The solutions presented should build on digital technologies, and commit to leaving no one behind. The teams will compete with each other and a specialized jury will choose the winning team.
The challengesEach team can choose one challenge and work on a digital idea to help solve it:
Challenge I: How might we raise awareness of Palestinians on their civil rights under the rule of law in the different territories?
Challenge II: How might we ensure municipalities are aware of citizen’s needs in real-time and respond to these?
Challenge III: How might we help Palestinians living in remote areas when they are in need of health services?
Challenge IV: How can we stimulate discussions between Palestinians on societal challenges, so mutual understanding is reinforced and solutions are found together?
AwardsThe winning team will be given a chance to participate in the Hack The Goals event in Belgium, as well as opportunities to fund their idea and develop their project.
From 15th October 2018 - 09:00 AM
to 16th October 2018 - 05:00 PM
to 16th October 2018 - 05:00 PM