Calling all Hackers! Get ready for the U.S. Navy’s premiere hackathon series for building a Community of Practice in Maritime Cybersecurity. HACKtheMACHINE Austin, Texas February 17th-19th. Join us at Captital Factory for four tracks that will excite and engage experts across the spectrum of cybersecurity.
Track 1: Maritime Capture The Flag • You have seen cell phones hacked at DefCon. You have seen cars hacked on YouTube. Join us for the first ever attempt to hack a ship at HACKtheMACHINE.
Track 2: Data Science and the Seven Seas • The United States Navy has big datasets on maritime traffic. Compete to design algorithms that provide martime domain awareness, identify anomolous behavior and solve real world problems like human traficking and piracy.
Track 3: Designing Safer Oceans • Design Thinking is increasingly the way in which new products are brought to market. Join with Austin area tech startups, and industry leading corporations alongside Navy and Department of Defense scientists to compete in a design thinking sprint targeting safer alternatives to GPS for maritime Precision Navigation and Timing.
to 19th February 2017 - 03:00 PM