Hack the Moon - San Jose, CA
Organized by
Are you a DIY, Hacker, Maker, or Space Enthusiast?
Are you interested in coming up with creative solutions to space-related problems, including how to fund your own space–related project or business idea?
Then don’t miss Hack the Moon!
During this two and a half day hackathon, you’ll have the opportunity to work on specific space-related challenges (or one of your choosing), meet some of the best and brightest hackers, makers, students and entrepreneurs, and hone your problem solving and collaborative skills.
Site locations include San Jose and Sacramento (Folsom), CA.
(or you can participate remotely)
Friday, October 9 7-9 PM Pacific (Opening Session)
Saturday, October 10 9-5 and 7-10 Pacific (Hackathon) Sunday, October 11 9-12 and 1-5 (Hackathon, Presentations, Awards)
So if you’re a hacker or maker and interested in space, starting a NewSpace company and in need of funding, or simply a space enthusiast and in love with space, get your hack on at Hack the Moon, October 9-11, 2015.
It's Your Moon... What Are You Waiting For!
3 Themes - 5 Competitions
#1 - A Killer Asteroid
An asteroid will destroy all life on Earth in 5 years. How can we redirect the asteroid? Can we build a Lunar lifeboat colony for 10,000 people?
#2 - The Yukon Trail To Mars
Global space agencies will fly a mission every two years. A million people have $100,000 deposits on Mars homesteads. Layout a 30 year plan for settlement on Mars. Where do we start, what do we do now?
#3 - Life In The Ethane Lakes Of Titan
We have discovered a new form of life in the cryogenic ethane lakes of Saturn’s moon Titan. Exploring lakes at 90 degrees above absolute zero. How do we build Lunar cryogenic analog labs?
5 Competitions:
Writing, Visual Arts, Hardware, Software, Games and Filk Fest (Music)
Real Planetary Data Learn how to find and use the many large, free data sets of real scientific planetary data available to you through the NASA Planetary Data System and other sources. • Planetary Data System • Lunar Moon and Modeling Portal • Google Moon
Real Solutions Learn how to use the latest cutting edge tools and techniques in the cloud and on your laptop to access planetary data for fun and profit. We will have training for platforms like: • Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, IBM Bluemix • HP Haven OnDemand, Clusterpoint, Autodesk 3D
Real Opportunities Learn how to use the latest in crowd funding and crowd sourcing platforms to fund your project and grow your team. • Crowd Funding - Kickstarter, Krowdster and more • Crowd Sourcing - heroX, topcoder, AngelHack Also, robots, hardware, art and more. Bring your own project!
Looking to fund your own space-related project?
We will also have mentors and coaches on hand to assist you in developing your crowd-funding, Kickstarter program and/or writing your business plan to raise equity funding.
* * * * *
This event is part of the 5th International Workshop on LunarCubes held in San Jose, CA from October 6-9, 2015.
To learn more about our LunarCubes workshop, where "The Experts in Lunar Science and Exploration Meet" please visit www.lunar-cubes.com
Free public events during LunarCubes include:
New Launch Meets New Space panel discussion (San Jose)
Cislunar Navigation Prize announcement (San Jose)
The Lunar Renaissance – Challenges, Hackathons & Artwork! (San Jose)
Hack the Moon (San Jose and Folsom/Sacramento)
Register for each public event separately at Eventbrite:
New Launch Meets New Space
Cislunar Navigation Prize
The Lunar Renaissance - Challenges, Hackathons and Artwork!
Hack the Moon - San Jose
Hack the Moon - Folsom/Sacramento
From 9th October 2015 - 07:00 PM
to 11th October 2015 - 05:00 PM
to 11th October 2015 - 05:00 PM