Hack4Good - Microsoft Business Applications Summit - 2020

Organized by

    HACK4GOOD You’ve seen the case studies of how the tools of the Power Platform have enabled businesses to redefine their operations and reinvent careers. Now you have the chance to experience its impact and discover its value for yourself in real-time. Join one of many teams collaborating to solve real-world problems for the non-profit sector. You’re here to do good and make a difference, so don’t hold back from maximizing the full Microsoft stack. Whether you’re a first-time participant or a seasoned pro, everybody has something to learn and contribute,  so whatever your background, sign up and join this amazing initiative! If there is space, we are happy to take "Walk-ins" on the day and allocate you to a team, but would REALLY appreciate if you could let us know if you can come beforehand. What its all about... This hackathon is not your typical hackathon, for several reasons: All proceeds and sponsorship funds collected will be donated to the charity of choice, as nominated by the winning hackathon team.This will not only focus on the Power Platform but as many of the associated Office and Azure features and functions you can possibly think of. You can donate here through the eventbrite donation funcitonality. Any and all donations would be appreciated and will be given to the selected charity of the winning team. We would encourage a $25 donation per participant :) Participants of all types are welcome. This is a great opportunity for everyone to put their heads together to think about solving a real-world problem with technology and some innovative thinking. Each team’s solution will be posted on the Power Community (Prefiously known as TDG) website and made public as an example of how technology can be utilised in not-for-profit organisations for the benefit of humanity On the day, this is what you can expect: 09:00 - 09:15 : Welcome & Opening Presentation 09:15 - 09:30 : Leveraging Microsoft Technology within the charity & NPO space 09:30 - 09:45 : Hack Examples 09:45 - 10:00 : Hackathon Rules of Engagement  10:00 - 16:00 : let the Hack begin (Lunch will be provided. 16:00 - 16:40 : Presentations back to the Audience, speed dating style. 16:40 - 17:00 : Final thanks and prizes Why the focus on Not for Profit? There are many issues that not-for-profit organisations are facing today. Often, these organisations don’t have the opportunity, or time, to even think about innovation and the mechanisms available to promote change and growth within their organisations. Leveraging Microsoft’s technology stack provides so many innovative features and solutions that can assist with all kinds of possibilities around helping those less fortunate and able. We want YOU, the amazing participants, to think of, and create, a scenario where using the Microsoft technology stack could assist an organisation achieve more and increase their positive impact on society. The Types of Microsoft technology we will be focusing on are: Power Platform, Office365, Dynamics 365, & Azure. Let’s create templates for humanity that can facilitate meaningful change. See you there. Some formalities before the big day! 1. Teams will consist of btween 4 and 8 members 2. You will be allocated to a team before the event if you do not register with a team. 3. A team lead from Power Commmunity (TDG)will be allocated to each team and will be your "Go-To" person for all event information. Please ONLY register for this if you REALLY intend on coming. We interact with each attendee before the event and need to make sure that each seat is filled. There are limited spaces.


    Kay Bailey Convention Center
    Dallas, United States


    From 5th May 2020 - 09:00 AM
    to 5th May 2020 - 05:00 PM