Hackathon- Solve for Safer India
Organized by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, United Nations Institute for Training and Research , Indian Road Safety Campaign and Bosch India
Developing implementable solutions in form of a digital solution to reduce the frequency and impact of road crashes.
It is a month-long competition divided into 3 phases.
Phase 1- IDEA
Students will register and submit their concept note on an online portal. The concept notes will be evaluated by the experts from IRSC and Bosch to select the teams for the next phase.
Selected teams will be required to submit an execution plan of their concept note. The report must clearly state the concept and technical principles that would be used to generate the prototype, the uniqueness of idea and feasibility in terms of execution and finance. Submit the report on the online portal.
The third and the final phase of the hackathon would be held from 30th - 31st March at IIT Guwahati. All selected teams from phase 2 would be working in 36 Hours hackathon to develop a prototype. In between bosch experts would be available there to guide and monitor their work and solve their queries.
Out of those, 10 Teams would be selected (by Bosch) for final presentation and they will showcase their work in front of judges.
From 23rd February 2019 - 04:39 PM
to 16th March 2019 - 12:01 PM
to 16th March 2019 - 12:01 PM