Organized by

    NGS DATA SCIENCE Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis and Visualization July 15th-July 16th  Special projects to reveal your data skills. Interactive Pipeline BuilderVisual Comparison AnalysisNGS Pattern DiscoveryComplex Data Representation Life Scientists, Programmers, Vizualization People You have some experience in some of those:Python, Perl, Ruby, or any scripting language PHP, Django, Ruby on Rails, or any web development tool D3, React, or any graph JS library Cytoscape, Gephi, or any network representation tool  Join our Datathon '17 Check the details. http://hackaton.umassmed.edu


    University of Massachusetts Medical School
    Worcester, United States


    From 19th August 2017 - 08:00 AM
    to 20th August 2017 - 05:00 PM