Hackathon against slavery in Utrecht

Organized by Keen Design

Do you want to think and work together with us on innovative and creative solutions for a better, slave-free world?

Does slavery still exist? Yes, 40 million people worldwide are victims. Although slavery is forbidden in almost every country, millions of children, women and men are forced to work as slaves in different industries. At Keen Design we like to dream big. IJM does that too and dreams of a slave-free world. They are also the largest organization that works worldwide for the banning of slavery. We want to help IJM realize this dream. That is why we organize the first hackathon against slavery in The Netherlands on 29th of March! The website is in dutch, but if you want to join or if you have questions please send an email to the email address on the bottom of this page. Most of the day will be in dutch but we can provide documentation in English if needed.


Werkspoorkathedraal - De Wasruimte
Tractieweg 41
Utrecht, Netherlands


From 29th March 2019 - 07:00 AM
to 29th March 2019 - 11:00 PM