Hackathon @ euVENTION Summer School

Organized by

    On September 11th to 22nd euVENTION - the EIT Health Summer School and Marsilius Academy 2017 - takes place at Heidelberg University. In the course of the Summer School challenges to improve prevention and treatment options for people, who are at risk or suffer from chronic diseases, are tackled. euVENTION is a two-week program, which uniquely covers all the necessary steps and tools to create your own startup. The participants learn to develop meaningful solutions, using Design Thinking, by creating prototypes and developing state-of-the-art business models. On September 16th we invite IT specialists and Designers for a one-day hackathon to support the teams to create working prototypes for the solutions created during the Design Thinking process. Further information can be found on www.euvention.eu


    Heidelberg, Germany


    From 16th September 2017 - 10:00 AM
    to 17th September 2017 - 03:00 AM