Hackathon GE Healthcare & Optum - Hospital Innovation Show

Organized by

Healthcare developers, professionals and entrepreneurs! Participate in the Hack4Health Hackathon and help address major challenges for the health system in Brazil. This year sponsors GE Healthcare and Optum will present you with two Big Data & Healthcare Analytics challenges. You must come up with creative solutions for integrating data and extracting intelligence that can help improve overall Public Health. You may choose from the following challenges:   »  GE Challenge: In mining structured and unstructured healthcare data, how do you interpret signs and symptoms and turn them into well-founded budgets and projects that promote overall public health?   »  Optum Challenge: How best can you combine disparate patient medical histories and databases that exist in Brazil to help improve the quality of patient care?


São Paulo Expo
São Paulo, Brazil


From 27th September 2016 - 08:00 AM
to 28th September 2016 - 07:00 PM