Hackathon "Hack for Future Talent"

Organized by CentERdata

Driving data-driven and fact-based education policy

We are looking for people brave enough to participate in the hackathon “Hack for Future Talent” #Hack4futureTalent. This Hackathon is to initiate a data-driven and fact-based education policy. The aim is to develop preventive insights, profiles and patterns with the help of Big Data. With the use of various open data sets, participants are challenged to provide insights into the overarching theme "Talent Optimization / Equal Opportunities in Education". Accept the challenge and join us! There are prizes to be won. For more information please visit: www.hackforfuturetalent.nl.



From 8th December 2018 - 10:00 AM
to 8th December 2018 - 10:00 PM


Winning Team - € 1,000
2nd Place Team - e-reader for each member