Hackathon : Ré-enchanter la collaboration entre grands groupes et startups

Organized by

The theme of this hackathon is "Re-enchant the collaboration between large companies and startups". During this hackathon you will have the opportunity to create solutions that improve collaboration between startups and traditional businesses of all sizes! The goal is to think of ways to make them more flexible and agile business and more efficient and resilient startups. Finding new ways to think, create, work, interact with customers or employees. Whether you are a member of a large group of SME / SOHO / ETI or a startup, you have your place among the participants! The idea is to mix participants from different ecosystems to consider the possibilities, desires and needs of each of them. You can already meet with participants and organizers during the ideation workshop on September 8, two weeks before the hackathon.


Orange - Villa Bonne Nouvelle
Paris, France


From 22nd September 2016 - 06:30 PM
to 24th September 2016 - 08:00 PM