Hackathon to create AWARENESS for Depression in refugee,immigrant community
Help people with depression and those close to them
1951 Coffee Company, 2410 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
Sponsored by ThonX
How can mental health professionals raise awareness about critical issues, increase access to care or improve treatment? These are a few of the problems likely to be addressed this weekend.
We are coming together to raise awareness on depression problems that has affected the refugee community. Depression has become a silent killer in our communities and we need to stand together against this issue.
Depression and a lack of mental health has become one of the most serious and costly issues of our time, especially for young people.
We - ThonX, 1951 Coffee Company, Samuel Merritt University School of Nursing, have got together in the hope that we can collaborate and change this.
This inclusive hack brings together some major players in the tech and healthcare sectors. Attendees will come from a mix of disciplines like psychology, healthcare, biology, software, data, AI, UX, strategy, video, art, pharmacology and games design. Organisations represented will include universities and colleges as well as a host of other agencies and organisations.
Participants will collaborate, explore and co-create prototype solutions to help people with depression and those close to them, i.e. friends and family.
Participants will be fully briefed before the event.
Participants will be grouped into teams, each of which will identify a problem that needs to be solved in the field of mental health, devise a solution and build a prototype. There's a prize for the best proposal focusing on underserved populations.
As an example of a potential proposal, a team might pitch an app aimed at people suffering from depression designed to reduce feelings of isolation by increasing their connections to others. Coding skills or prior experience in hackathons are not needed to participate. We encourage teams to form with a wide variety of backgrounds and skills.
January 12 2019
The participants will present their "pain points" – issues that need to be addressed – form teams, and brainstorm how to address those issues. Saturday’s event is open to the public and will begin in the morning and end in the evening with an award ceremony.
All this action will take place on the 12th January
Food and drinks (and some very special entertainment!) will also be provided.
All in all it's a great opportunity to make a difference on a very significant issue, meet some very talented people, extend your network, get some great credentials, learn a lot, share and be part of a story that says you helped something with serious purpose happen!
Judges TBC.
The event will also include speakers
Professor - TBC
#hackmentalhealth #HacktheBrain #FightDepression
8:00am-10:00am Free Breakfast and Networking
10:00am-10:30am Opening remarks, Annoucements
10:30am-11:30am Workshops
11:30am-12:00pm Idea Pitch, Team formation
12pm Free Lunch
11:00am-6pm Hacking/Developing your solutions
6:00pm Free Diner
6:00pm-7:00pm Demo and Pitch competition 5 min pitch, 5 min Q&A
7:00pm-7:30pm Judging, announcement and prizes.
7:30pm-8:00pm closing remarks
Sponsored by ThonX
to 12th January 2019 - 08:00 PM