Hackathon Tool HUB

Organized by Youth Generation

Offer an offline space to create interactive online tools by matching entrepreneurial experts with comp

The Hackathon Tool HUB event will gather 50 participants to find IT solutions which will contribute to entrepreneurial competencies development and improvement of the entrepreneurial education. Each of the 10 created teams will have the opportunity to share skills, learn from each other, offer new inputs and develop creative and innovative tools. At the end of the event participants will demonstrate those 10 developed applications and come up with national plan of usage. All the outcomes will be available on the project E-Portal.

The event will take place in Chisinau, Moldova between 19-23 March , 2020 ( Travle days included) at Tekwill, a tech hub focusing on innovation and creative industry.  



From 20th March 2020 - 08:00 AM
to 23rd March 2020 - 05:00 PM