HackAUS Sydney May Event - How hackathons accelerate innovation

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    Hackathons are competitions that challenge people to create something over a set time period using technologies. Hear from Johanna, Programs Direct of Blue Chilli's Smart Cities Accelerator Program- City Connect on why she uses hackathons and what she looks for when investing in start ups for her programs. We'll also hear from Academy Xi on what can be achieved over a 48 hour period using VR.  We'd like to welcome you to join us for an evening for hackathon organisers, participants, partners, sponsors and government.  Agenda 6:30pm - Using Hackathons to Accelerate Innovation, Johanna Pitman 6:45pm - Hacking VR, Saxon Dixon 7:00 pm - Smart Cities Hackathon Project Pitch 7:15pm - NASA SpaceApps Challenge Project Pitch 7:30pm - Noticeboard- upcoming hackathons, events, jobs, etc Food and drink generously provided by Schneider Electric, global specialists in energy management and organiser of Smart Cities hackathon.  Venu provided by Blue Chilli.  Speaker Profiles Johanna directs BlueChilli’s latest accelerator program, CityConnect: an open innovation program to co-create solutions addressing the biggest challenges facing the world’s urban communities, launching in 2017. Prior to BlueChilli, Johanna was the Deputy CEO for the Committee for Sydney, an independent think-tank advocating for global best practice in city-making. Johanna brings a deep understanding of urban issues and economic development, through senior roles in Federal and State agencies, and the UK Government's overseas trade network. Johanna is passionate about connecting the right players to create smart cities that are productive, inclusive and liveable for all. Saxon is a Real Time Inventive 3D Artist.  Moderated by Nav, a writer and editor, and performance poet based in Sydney. Currently working with Thrive at the LMA, Nav is the founder of the Quest entrepreneurial mentorship program and QuestLab incubator for refugees and new migrants looking to make inroads in Sydney's social start-up and innovation sector. This event is organised by Hackathons Australia. For further information email Angela at hackathonsaustralia@gmail.com Website: www.hackathonsaustralia.com Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hackathonsaustralia/ Twitter: @hackAUS #hackAUS Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for news and upcoming hackathons. 


    Sydney, Australia


    From 23rd May 2017 - 06:30 PM
    to 23rd May 2017 - 08:30 PM