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    Hackathon: Hack@BVP 2.0 is a 24-hour hackathon. Its mission is to provide a thrilling experience to students, developers, and anyone interesting in coding. Teams of developers, designers, and marketers will come together to build functioning mobile apps that tackle environmental issues in just 24 hours. Our theme is based on Environment and Social related issues like disaster management, health etc. Hurricanes, wildfires, and the global impact of climate change are topics that are gaining a lot of much- needed attention and prompting discussions of disaster relief and preparedness. At a local level, communities are addressing the issues of conservation, energy savings, waste management, and recycling. Bring Yourself or Bring Your Team!Register your Team: https://goo.gl/forms/jC4XJKhr80iyvCAk2Sign up as a team of 2-5 or as an individual and we’ll match you up. Either way, it will be a great way to meet other techies, share ideas and have fun!Open to professionals and students, 18+• FREE to Enter• Food and drinks provided


    NEW DELHI, India


    From 28th September 2018 - 09:00 AM
    to 29th September 2018 - 05:00 PM