Hackcouver X QUP Kickoff Event

Organized by Hackcouver Foundation

Learn about Hackcouver 2020 -- Vancouver’s First High School Business Hackathon

High-school coders and entrepreneurs in the Greater Vancouver Area! If you're interested in learning more about Hackcouver 2020 hackathon -- Vancouver’s First High School Business Hackathon -- then you're invited to attend the Hackcouver X QUP Kickoff Event. At this event, you'll get to network with industry professionals and learn about the Hackathon. You'll also learn about Hackouver's parther QUP (pronounced Q-UP) QUP mobile game for high school students that allows them to practice curiosity and empathy, while earning fundraising dollars!


RED Academy
Vancouver, Canada


From 15th December 2019 - 06:00 PM
to 15th December 2019 - 08:00 PM