Hackdays Rhein-Neckar 2021

Organized by Hackdays

Join forces with 150 innovation pioneers and 8 leading companies to bring back Hackdays Rhein-Neckar!

The Rhein-Neckar hack is back! πŸ”₯⁣

Better late than never, we are back with Hackdays Rhein-Neckar. We had to postpone this hackathon earlier this year due to the Corona crisis approaching. So, the revival will be super corona-proof! πŸš€β£
This time, we are happy to welcome: ⁣
πŸ‘₯150 innovation pioneers who make digitalization happen while staying safe at home⁣
πŸŒ† 8 leading companies from the technology metropolis of Rhein-Neckar ⁣
πŸ’₯ 8 challenges in the field of in the fields of farming, finance, healthcare, sports & more⁣
🎁 3 hackathon-wide winner categories: Best Pitch, Best Solution & Audience Award ⁣
πŸ“… together on 25-28 February 2021⁣
πŸ‘‰ APPLY NOW: https://digitalregistration.typeform.com/to/Wlvyq8Lx
We are looking for talents all over the worlds with different background! People usually think that a hackathon is a place only for software developers. BUT it is for everyone! ⁣

πŸ‘‰ Check out all our diverse Challenge Setters on the event website: https://www.hack-days.de/rhein-neckar-2021



From 25th February 2021 - 06:00 PM
to 28th February 2021 - 08:00 PM


Prize pool - 9,000€