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TEAMC 2018 brings to you an unconventional, pre-conference Hackathon- HACKEAM 2018 aimed at providing a unique platform for students and professionals to spread out to different places within the country which are rife with developmental opportunities and apply their potential to tackle their challenges. In this endeavour, they will be supported by a team comprising professionals and people from different walks of life. The main objective of the hackathon is to sensitize students and professionals about existing problems of the under privileged and lesser developed sections of our society and providing a platform whereby they can proactively develop and showcase technological solutions for these challenges. The hackathon will be conducted through the multiple tracks, rephrased as “Treks” because they involve visits to places of interest, stay and interaction with local communities. Our goal for the hackathon is to provide a place for students to work on the projects that interest them most and even make formal reports on their ideas. Also, the various tracks have been made keeping in mind the problems and issues faced by our society. So HACKEAM 2018 is also an initiative towards social cause. This is one opportunity no technological enthusiast must miss. Additionally, prizes worth a whooping 3 lacs are up for grab! Stay tuned to our page for the timeline and further details that shall be shortly announced. Till then, Keep Hacking!