Hacking for Humanity with Girls in Tech SF


    Girls in Tech Presents: A Social Innovation Hackathon 

    Uniting to Solve SF Bay Area Challenges

    It's that time of the year again!

    Join the Girls in Tech, San Francisco chapter for our 3rd annual Hacking for Humanity hackathon. This year, we’re focusing on tackling topics that deal with local San Francisco/Bay Area issues such as (but not limited to) the following:  

          - Homelessness
          - Affordable Housing
          - Economic Disparity
          - Transportation

    Hackathons exist to enable the rapid prototyping of a complex problem and provide a range of solutions in a short period of time. By hacking with us, we are aiming to think bigger for global change with tech, whilst also allowing impassioned women to engage in innovation and entrepreneurship within our tech ecosystem.

    We are calling all women and men across the globe, including developers, designers, product developers, and entrepreneurs, plus businesses that want to embrace the idea of Social Innovation or initiatives that combine a positive mission with business.

    This hackathon is beginner friendly and for participants new to coding or hackathons. However, any and all levels are welcome. You can come with your own team (no more than 5 per team). No team? No problem -  we'll figure that out for you. Form a team, solve a problem, create something awesome, present it to the audience and win prizes!

    Register now to participate as a Hacker! Your ticket includes meals/brainfood for both days.


    1st place: $1,500

    2nd place: $1,000

    3rd place: $500

    * If you're under 18 years old, you must have a parent/guardian on site with you at all times *


    Saturday, November 2nd

    10 AM - Welcome & Team Formations
    11 AM - Keynote 
    12:30 PM - Lunch
    2 PM - Hack!
    6 PM - Dinner
    8 PM - Hack!
    10 PM - Late night snack                                                                                                                                             11 PM - 9:30 AM Hack All Night! 

    Sunday, November 3rd

    9:30 AM - Breakfast
    10 AM - Hack!
    12:30 PM - Lunch
    1:30 PM - 1-hour warning 
    2:30 PM - Hacking stops
    3 PM - Pitch & Presentations
    5 PM - Dinner & Deliberations
    6 PM - Judges award prizes
    7 PM - Closing remarks

    Sponsors & Partners

    DocuSign transforms how people work, live and connect by solving the 'paper problem', providing customers the freedom to finish business faster on the world's most trusted Digital Transaction Management (DTM) network.

    Volunteer with us

    You can support our cause by volunteering with us. Check out the opportunities available and sign up. It's very easy!

     Please note: By attending this event you consent to being photographed.

    Please note that by registering you're agreeing to share your contact with us so we can keep in touch. In the future we may ask for your feedback about how we're doing, invite you to future events, and more. For a full look at how Girls in Tech SF handles your data and respects your privacy, please check out our Privacy Policy.



    From 2nd November 2019 - 10:00 AM
    to 3rd November 2019 - 06:00 PM