Hacking Health Hamilton | Hackathon 2019
Organized by
Pitch ideas, form teams, get advice from experts, and build a useable solution to address the users' problems over the course of a weekend. Sunday afternoon demo your solution in front of a panel of judges for a chance of winning some fantastic prizes!
Hacking Health fosters collaborative innovation by engaging key groups of stakeholders, such as healthcare professionals, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and patients, to create human-centric solutions to improve the health of our communities. Our weekend hackathons are fun, intense, hands-on events where small teams tackle tough problems in a supportive community of peers and mentors.
PARTICIPATEPitch Your Ideas on SparkboardAs soon as you get you register for the hackathon, go to Hacking Health Hamilton 2019 Sparkboard where you can either pitch your project ideas, describing them briefly and their skill requirements (designer, developer, medical expert, etc), or find a pitch/project idea that interests you or that matches your skills.
See a pitch/project idea that interests you or that matches your skills? Click on the board for further details and click on the Join button near the bottom to support the idea. Joining a project does not automatically assign you to that team, but shows your interest in the idea. (Teams are created on Friday evening of the Hackathon when you choose, after the pitches, which team you would like to work with.)
Need inspiration on making a pitch? Check out last year's Sparkboard. You can also visit previous Hacking Health Hackathon success stories.
Here are steps on how to use Sparkaboard to create a project or join an existing team.
Weekend at a GlanceRegistration: Your registration fee includes a t-shirt and covers all meals.
Teams: Teams will be formed Friday evening.
Judges: Our judging panel is made up of healthcare innovators, educators, and hackathon pros.
Maggie Bergeron
Co-Founder & CEO of Embodia
Paul Brown
Manager, Architecture and Data at Hamilton Health Science
Robert DeWitte
Entrepreneurial Sr Exec
Riya Karumanchi
Founder & CEO, SmartCanes
Nav Kaur, Ph.D
Angel Investor
Zack ZL Technovations
Founder, ZL Technovation
Steve Pereira
Founder, Visible
Dora Laurent
Innovation Consultant
Navita Dyal
Healthcare Innovator
Lisa Sawada
Adam Kinsman Ph.D
McMaster University
Vinai Bhagirath
Assistant Professor, McMaster University
Bring: Your laptop (and charger!), skills and ideas. Come with a collaborative, team-focused mindset.
Share: Your experience on social media using the hashtags #hackingHealth #HamOnt
Multiple Skill Sets Required: Developers, Designers, Healthcare Professionals, Students, Researchers, Product Managers, Business Development, Marketing, Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Mentors, Meta Users
Restrictions:If you have any dietary or mobility restrictions, please inform us when you register.
Go Green: Bring your own water bottle and coffee/tea mug. Reduce the number of plastic bottles and coffee cups that enter into the local landfill.
Be volunteers at this special weekend
Volunteering is a great way to connect with your community, explore career options, share your passion with others and create changes in the Hamilton community.
Register as a volunteer.
Sponsor this special weekend
Each year, our sponsors help Hacking Hacking Hamilton unite emerging healthcare professionals, developers, designers, business people, and educators. Our sponsors make it possible for participants to present and build something they’re proud of.
Interested in sponsoring? Contact us
Terms of Participation AgreementBy attending the Hackathon you are bound by the terms set forth.
Be excellent to each other during the Hackathon. Mean-spirited attitudes, behaviours and any form of harassment will not be tolerated. You agree to our code of conduct.
By participating in the event, you grant Hacking Health Hamilton permission to capture photos and/or videos of the event.
Questions or Comments?
For more information, visit our website at http://hacking-health.org/hamilton.
Email: hamilton@hackinghealth.ca
Twitter: @HHHamOnt
Facebook: facebook.com/HackingHealthHamilton
Instagram: @hhhamont