Hacking Health Leiden

Organized by

This is a three-day hackathon inviting all developers, designers, entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals and patients to travel to multiple cities in the Netherlands and Hack for Health. This event is an initiative of four Dutch Academic Medical Centers: LUMC, Maastricht UMC+, UMC Groningen and Radboudumc. Teams will work together in Groningen, Leiden, Maastricht and Nijmegen on the future of health. At the end of the weekend the teams will present their projects to a panel of judges and a winner will be selected by a multi disciplinary and independent jury. The winners of Dutch Hacking Health will also have the possibility to get stagetime on one of the events during the Start Up Fest Europe week like Our Future Health or Campus Party.


Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum
Leiden, Netherlands


From 20th May 2016 - 05:00 PM
to 22nd May 2016 - 08:00 PM