Hacking Physical Cybersecurity - BOULDER
Organized by
Bringing together practitioners, technologists, developers, academia, industry partners and the military to build and demonstrate product prototypes that enhance the security of cyber physical systems (CPS).
Physical systems include all sorts of connected controllers that are necessary to run applications such as building controls, medical systems, military bases and utilities.
Challenge area experts and technical mentors will be available to work with teams on their concepts. In addition, a building control system testbed and network capture data sets will be available for concept development and demonstration. The data sets will include network traffic from the Internet Protocol network and multiple serial protocol networks captured during normal operation and while the system is experiencing different types of cyber attacks.
This event will be held simultaneously at the CU Boulder and UN Omaha locations.
Registration is also required on devpost to participate in the hackathon: https://md5hack-apr18.devpost.com/
From 6th April 2018 - 05:00 PM
to 8th April 2018 - 04:00 PM
to 8th April 2018 - 04:00 PM