Organized by
HackNelson is for entrepreneurs, creatives, business people and software developers. It is about solving problems within established primary industry businesses using creativity and technology. is a competition and a learning environment at the same time – you will definitely learn things and you also have the chance of winning prizes.
It's a collaborative team event bringing a large, diverse group of the Nelson region's smartest people together. Local businesses will pitch problems on October 5th for the assembled “brains trust” to solve over the course of an intense, fun-filled 48 hours in November.
HackNelson is a digital innovation weekend focused on unleashing more value from our region's primary industries.
Teams of 5-10 people will work to define a business concept, produce a prototype and promote their solution to a judging panel; all over the course of just 2.5 days. First and second placing teams will be recognised with honour, glory and CASH PRIZES! There will also be individual prizes.
After working all weekend teams will present their concepts and prototypes. Teams are not required to produce a fully implemented solution. Experienced mentors will coach and support each team throughout the weekend by sharing their knowledge.
The real prize will be the connections and mutual opportunity created between smart producers and smart technologists in Nelson/Tasman.
HackNelson is a fantastic opportunity to get yourself in front of stellar businesses in the Nelson Tasman region. Through the event weekend you can showcase your talent to all involved, which could un-lock doors and opportunities for you in the future. In addition you will probably learn more in 2 days at HackNelson than you have in the last 2 months. This event comes with training courses beforehand, mentoring throughout and the chance to learn from others in your team.
What is HackNelson?
This is a big chance for our region’s established primary industry businesses to solve problems and turbo-charge their operations with fresh input from the region’s most motivated technologists, creatives and business people.
The aim is to identify fresh ideas for our regional producers and create prototype solutions to prove the new concepts. Over a weekend, participants will work intensely in teams of 5-10 individuals on solving specific business problems presented by established regional producers.
What is a Hackathon?
A Hackathon is an event bringing people of various backgrounds together around a particular theme to solve business problems. The event usually takes place over a condensed period and at the end, results from the teams involved are then presented to judges so that prizes can be awarded.
A competitive but supportive environment involving people with a variety of skillsets leads to surprisingly innovative and powerful software solutions produced in a very short time. This is a model that is well proven in New Zealand and around the world.
Event Objectives
To connect the widely spread pool of software and digital technology talent in Nelson. To demonstrate the business relevance of new technology to major primary industry players in the region. To provide practical learning and personal development for our regional talent pool. To start building new solutions that can be used by regional producers to save time, money, carbon or lives.
Participant Info
HackNelson is a “roll-up-the-sleeves” innovation event. A chance to spend 48 hours with dozens of smart, passionate people, working in teams to solve practical business problems affecting the Nelson/Tasman region. 10 local businesses will present one problem or opportunity each. Teams of creatives, developers and business people will form and pick which problems they want to work on. Over the course of a weekend the teams will design and prototype a solution (usually software based), hone their understanding of a business opportunity and then present a winning pitch.
This is the inaugural event of its type in Nelson but is modelled off a very successful Datacom event that has run in Auckland for the last six years. The theme for HackNelson 2017 is adding value to our established primary industries. It will be a competitive but supportive environment with senior mentors available throughout to coach participants.
We want you to be in the zone as much as possible during the weekend, so all meals are included! (That's Dinner on the Friday, 3 squares on the Saturday, and Brekkie & Lunch on the Sunday).
Two outcomes of HackNelson will be big increases in our local knowledge around business improvement and technology innovation, as well as new connections and relationships between designers, developers and established businesses.
1st Prize
$2,000 Cheque
2nd Prize
$1,000 Cheque
Best Designer
$200 Prezi Card
Best presenter
Intel NUC PC (RRP $460)
Best coder
Fortinet Gift Pack PLUS Microsoft Azure Credits ($300 Total Value)
From 10th November 2017 - 04:00 PM
to 12th November 2017 - 04:00 PM
to 12th November 2017 - 04:00 PM