Reserve Your Seat on the Waterloo bus to HackPrinceton
This event is the HackPrinceton Fall 2018 bus registration for the Waterloo pickup. Pickup is tentatively planned to be 6:30 AM on Ring Road south of Hagey Hall, and will be finalized by 10/20/18.
To reserve a spot on the bus, we’re asking you to put down a $15 deposit when you sign up, which is fully reimbursable when you check in the day of the event.
If you realize you aren’t able to come after you buy a ticket, you can cancel and request a refund through the EventBrite website. The deadline to cancel and request a refund through EventBrite is Thursday, November 8, at 5:00PM EST. If you cancel after this time, or if you purchase a ticket and do not come to the hackathon, we are not able to provide a refund. Note: we are not able to provide any reimbursement for travel to the bus pickup location.
If tickets are sold out, please add yourself to the waitlist. Eventbrite will automatically email you if a spot opens up. In the past, there have always been people who change their plans last minute, so keep an eye out for the email if you’re on the waitlist.
We’re excited to see you at HackPrinceton!
From 9th November 2018 - 06:30 AM
to 11th November 2018 - 04:30 PM
to 11th November 2018 - 04:30 PM