#HacktheHub 2018

Organized by

    #HacktheHub: bringing together our vibrant community of code creators and change makers to invent, and make change happen, together. How? Simple: -  The largest, most diverse hacker community north and south -  Dedicated to driving the open innovation of technology -  Fostering entrepreneurial spirit -  Bringing together top tech talent helping you develop functional skills, build confidence and improve employability  And how to get involved: We don’t expect everyone to have been a seasoned “hacker”, in fact, we welcome first-time hackers! All you have to do is tell us a little about yourself. We're trying to bring those who most want to build something brilliant and learn something new, and while we we're striving to continue building a community of diverse and amazing hackers at #HacktheHub. Show us what you've made and tell us why you want to come along on 24th and 25th March. Becoming the largest hackathon on the island of Ireland, we hope to double the number of people we can invite to #HacktheHub, so get ready for a life-changing experience!



    From 24th March 2018 - 09:00 AM
    to 25th March 2018 - 03:00 PM