HackXplore: Explore Healthcare & AI

Organized by

    It's back! Our annual Hackathon, set for February 15-16th, is coming up soon. Join students and industry experts to brainstorm, build, and pitch a project--all in under 24 hours!This year we have a major partnership with GE Healthcare, one of the leading companies in Medical Technologies and Life Sciences in the world.The theme of the Hackathon will be HealthCare & AI and throughout the 24 hours there will be speakers and workshops from companies and startups to help guide your projects to success. Most importantly though, there will be lots of free food and fun de-stressor activities. Teams will be 2-4 members in size but don't fret if you don't have a team yet, we partnered with the Hatchery to utilize their Build-A-Team tool which will allow individuals to partner up with one another based on their complementary skill sets. We invite all students to apply; prior experience in hackathons and programming is helpful, but not required. Don't hesitate, sign up now! More information can be found at techxplore.ca


    Bahen Centre for Information Technology
    Toronto, Canada


    From 15th February 2019 - 06:00 PM
    to 16th February 2019 - 09:00 PM