Hands-on workshop: How to profit from your Data?

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    When Big Data became a hot topic a couple of years ago, Dan Ariely compared it with teenage sex, saying that everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it. Things have changed since that. Today – whether they know how to or not - everyone´s doing it. The only difference is that some are doing it markedly better than others, increasing their efficiency and finding new revenue models on the way. If you want to be one of those on the frontline of the new technologies and you´re also in the search of ways to maximize the profit of your company, join us for this hands-on workshop! During the session, the speakers Taavi Tammiste and Asko Seeba will:    demystify the main concepts around using data science give you a descriptive overview of machine learning and big data capabilities go through the case studies of fuckups and do some hands-on thought-exercises to demonstrate how the theory works in real life and how you can use it in your favor The event is free and in English! About the speakers: Taavi Tammiste studied Telecommunications engineering and signals processing and worked for several years in a field that provides data communications to the masses. While working at Tele2 he was a part of a team that demonstrated what actual business value machine learning can bring and he has been working with data science ever since.  He is currently building a team of mad scientists at Mooncascade to develop the next generation of predictive analytics and AI assisted cognitive services.   Asko Seeba has been working in software industry for 20+ years. He was the one to build up Skype Mobile Team from 0 to 40 people in 2 years and also helped to put a start to an international hackathon Garage48. These days Asko leads the region's fastest growing software and product development company Mooncascade which Co-Founder and CEO he is.



    From 7th September 2017 - 10:00 AM
    to 7th September 2017 - 02:00 PM