Harvest Hacks 2019
HarvestHacks 2019 is a first of its kind hackathon hosted by the Salinas Valley Dream Academy. The overall goal of this hackathon is to bridge the technology gap — to spark an interest in underrepresented middle school and high school students for coding, app/game/web design, software development and to educate students about the opportunities available to them in the technology industry.
This coding and design event where students will learn about coding, computer programming, and software development, includes an opportunity to show what a student knows about website design, interface design, and project management.
Harvest Hacks 2019 is for EVERYONE!
There will be 2 tracks at the hackathon and students can sign up for either track.
TRACK #1 is for students who have not been exposed to coding or design. Students in Track #1 will be introduced to coding and will be exposed to the many opportunities that exist for students in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
TRACK #2 is for students who have some experience with coding or design. Students in Track #2 will compete for prizes at the hackathon by creating an app or designing a website related to the concept of harvest or harvesting crops, knowledge, information. These students will work in groups to create usable software or hardware with the goal of creating a functioning product or well thought out and viable schema by the end of the event. Several experienced adult mentors will be available to assist student groups throughout the entire process.
The hackathon will be taking place on Saturday, October 19, 2019. It will be hosted at Hartnell College's brand new, state of the art STEM building. We are anticipating that about 150-200 students will attend.
We have several amazing co-sponsors including Google, Hispanic Heritage Foundation, Code As A Second Language, Salinas Union High School District, Hartnell College, DigitalNEST, Future Citizens Foundation's Center for Learning, and Margaret Inc.
From 19th October 2019 - 09:00 AM
to 19th October 2019 - 06:00 PM
to 19th October 2019 - 06:00 PM