Healthcare Hack Week Co-hosted by MissionPoint
Organized by
The Vanderbilt Medical Innovation Lab (VMIL) and its partners VandyHacks and MissionPoint Health Partners invites you to the first annual Healthcare Hack Week at Vanderbilt, a week-long event geared to help build the community of innovators at Vanderbilt and jumpstart ideas for healthcare innovation.
Description of the week’s events:
Healthcare Innovation 101 | Nov 7, 6-7pm | Light Hall 407
Speaker: Colin Walsh, M.D., M.A.; Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Ever wondered what exactly is healthcare innovation and how to get involved in this rapidly growing field? This is the crash course for you then as we will provide you with the appropriate framework for tackling real-life problems in healthcare. You will participate in a problem-solving activity to innovate a solution on the spot for a real clinical problem led by Dr. Colin Walsh, an expert in this field.
The Business of Innovation | Nov 8, 6-7pm | Light Hall 407
Speaker: Christopher Rand, Managing Director; TriStar Health Partners
Learn about the complex process that is required to bring an idea to market in the healthcare field and the unique challenges that all entrepreneurs should expect to tackle as they take the dive into healthcare innovation. Our speaker, Christopher, will go over the roadmap to success and how to avoid the landmines that have sunk many promising ideas based on his experience as an investor and mentor for past healthcare startups.
Networking Night with MissionPoint | Nov 9, 6-7pm | Light Hall 407
Brought to you by our sponsor MissionPoint Health Partners
Dust off your resume and come learn about how to spin your interest in healthcare innovation into a full-time career with our sponsor MissionPoint Health Partners. There will be representatives and recruiters from the company who will provide an overview on how they have disrupted the healthcare industry with their start-up model, and how you can get involved. This is a great networking opportunity for anyone interested in a healthcare-related career. Business casual atire is suggested.
Principles of Med-Tech | Nov 10, 6-7pm | Light Hall 411
Speaker: Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Ph.D.; Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Sometimes, you do not need to develop a completely new technology to solve a problem in healthcare. However, there are unique challenges that makes it difficult to adapt existing technologies to this field. Dr. Mahadevan-Jansen will give an overview on how to match the appropriate technology to the clinical problem at hand through her experiences with Biophotonics and cancer detection.
Healthcare Pitch Night | Nov 11, 5:30-7:30pm | Light Hall 214
Keynote Speaker: John Doulis, M.B.B.S., Chief Information Officer, MedCare Investment Funds
Healthcare workers from VUMC will pitch problems they are facing in their day-to-day work on the frontlines of healthcare and some ideas they have for solving them with technology. The goal is to provide attendees an understanding of the healthcare problems that need to be and could be solved with technology right now. We will also have a short Meet and Greet at the end in which you will get a chance to talkm more with healthcare providers about the problems they've pitched. This event is mandatory for participants of the Healthcare @ VandyHacks competition.
Healthcare @ VandyHacks | Nov 11-13 | The Innovation Center @ Vanderbilt
This is the cornerstone of the Healthcare Hack Week in which teams will use the skills they’ve learned to create a functional prototype for a problem pitched by healthcare professionals and compete in the Healthcare hackathon at VandyHacks. The winning team will be awarded $800 in cash. Teams will also be eligible for the overall hackathon prizes at VandyHacks. All teams will also be eligible for post-hackathon seed funding from VMIL to further develop their prototype.
Important Note:This registration does NOT cover registration for VandyHacks UNLESS you have been accepted already by VandyHacks.
If you want to participate in the Healthcare @ VandyHacks weekend hackathon but did not apply in time to VandyHacks, please fill out this interest form:
Food is provided at all events courtesy of our partners at MissionPoint, VandyHacks, and Vanderbilt Department of Biomedical Informatics.
For those who complete (attend 4/5 events) our Healthcare Hack Week, we have a special prize for you!
Please e-mail for any questions
From 7th November 2016 - 06:00 PM
to 13th November 2016 - 09:00 PM
to 13th November 2016 - 09:00 PM