Healthcare MiniUnconference

    Read about Health Innovators by clicking here

    FREE unlimited snacks and drinks

    Health Innovators unconference is designed to provide a creative environment to bring together diverse groups of people who otherwise might not meet at traditional health or medical events. Participants themselves provide the content, with break-out sessions they develop themselves and plug into a schedule grid on the day of the event. Anyone can present and host a session in nearly any format. The agenda for the evening grows organically as the conversations and ideas develop. Discussions cover topics such as participatory healthcare, the use of social media in healthcare, mHealth and other technological advances. Multiple sessions run in parallel. Participants will hear and network with some of the extraordinary and innovative people transforming health care. 

    This event is for people who work in the Healthcare field (Hospitals, Pharma, Biotechnology, Med Tech) 

    Who is this event for: 

    • Have a problem you are trying to solve in Healthcare but don’t know how to solve the problem? 

    • Want to change something in Healthcare and needs other healthcare professionals input?

    • Have an idea and want to get it validated by other?

    • Want to teach other about your expertise? 

    Check out pictures of our previous unconference event here

    Please tweet about this event using @HealthInnoBos

    Schedule for the event: (approximate times)

    3:00-5:30 - Free beer networking at Venture Cafe (Optional)

    6:00-6:30 pm - Overview of rules and selection of topics by attendees.

    6:30-7:30 pm - We will convene in conference rooms to discuss the topics chosen by attendees.

    7:30-8:00 pm - Review of the topics discussed and explanation of the solutions for that particular topic by group leader.

    We will be hosting our hackathon along with Northeastern University on January 22nd of 2017, you can build up your ideas and team for the hackathon.  

    The meeting will be held in the Singapore Conference Room on the 11th floor of the Cambridge Innovation Center, Kendall Square. Please bring a government issued ID for security clearance. If you arrive after 6:00 pm, please dial 617-871-9286 for access to the event. 

    An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. Typically at an unconference, the agenda is created by the attendees at the beginning of the meeting. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic can claim a space. Unconferences typically feature open discussions rather than having a single speaker at the front of the room giving a talk.

    If you would like to learn more about unconference, go to

    Health Innovators offers the following services: 

    • Prototyping Technology Services: We have expert team members who can build Digital Health Products in multiple technologies

    • Equity Crowdfunding Platform: Startups can raise capital on our platform from anybody. It is a new law

    • Incubator Program: We teach entrepreneurs how be build a successful business

    • Co working: We offer co working space for 200/month. You can work along many healthcare companies doing great things

    • Events - We host tons of events. We host informal weekly ideation sessions at Cambridge Innovation Center and formal monthly and yearly conferences.

    Email us at for anything


    Singapore Conference Room, 11th floor
    CambridgeUnited States


    From 15th December 2016 - 05:30 PM
    to 15th December 2016 - 08:30 PM