HealthHack 2016 Sydney

Organized by HealthHack Australia

Solving a Pressing Healthcare Problem

Healthtech hackers, researchers, and health professionals in the Greater Sydney Area! HealthHack Australia invites you to participate in HealthHack 2016 Sydney—a non-profit, volunteer-led initiative focused on creating solutions in the health and medical research fields.  Come with a team or show up solo and be prepared for a 48-hour frenzy of coding, building, hacking, and presenting with like-minded individuals! Each team will work together on a challenging health-related problem presented by a non-profit organization, and facilitators will help with questions and problems through the event.

Visit the hackathon tips page for the best advice on how to participate at HealthHack 2016 Sydney!


Kinghorn Cancer Centre
Darlinghurst, Australia


From 14th October 2016 - 06:00 PM
to 16th October 2016 - 06:00 PM