HealthTech Solvathon - Information Session 2
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Curious about our upcoming HealthTech Solvathon on 15-16Sept2017 but haven't the faintest idea of where to start?
Join our event host, Laughing Mind, for an event preview at Three76 Hub to get your head into the game of Hackathons, Solvathons and why they matter as an Innovation and Professional Development experience.
Brian will walk you through the Venture Catalyst event format, seed your mind with how to build on an evident problem and frame it as an opportunity for innovation, leveraging open Population Health datasets.
He'll guide you through the following three event challenge topics to help you start to think about problems that sit beneath them and how you can prepare to participate or form a team for the main event on 15-16Sept2017:
HackCare to transform palliative + end of Life Care
HackMyCondition for Chronic Disease Management
HackLoneliness for better Mental Health care and connectedness
The only thing you need to bring is a curious mind that asks the constant Why? and seeks to look beyond it for solutions.