HHS-IBM Innovation Exchange Hackathon 2018
Organized by
Calling all digital health developers and wanna-be techno-geeks! It's time for the HHS-IBM Innovation Exchange Hackathon 2018 in support of Hamilton Health Innovation Week. And this ain't no pitch-a-thon either! We'll be looking to focus on hacking together a solution or technical capability over the weekend. We'll be doing this all on IBM Cloud, using the robust set of services available to developers including IBM Watson API's to quickly build truly cognitive applications! So come to share creative ideas, form teams, get advice from experts, and build a digital health app in one weekend. Present your finished product in a "Show & Tell" format to be reviewed by your peers! So get your geek on and join us for our digital health hackathon!
The goal of our hackathon is to get back to our hackathon developer roots! According to Wikipedia:
A hackathon is a design sprint-like event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers, project managers, and others, often including subject-matter-experts, collaborate intensively on software projects. The goal of a hackathon is to create usable software. Hackathons tend to have a specific focus, which can include the programming language used, the operating system, an application, an API, or the subject and the demographic group of the programmers. In other cases, there is no restriction on the type of software being created.
Our weekend hackathon focuses on development of digital health and wellness applications (or use of data)! The additional goal for participants to come away from the event with new skills or try combining features/capabilities they had not previously attempted. We are looking to build a grassroots community of health app developers going forward!
Schedule for hackathon is as follows (estimated):
Day 1 - Friday, April 27, 2018 from 5pm to 10pm
5pm-6pm : Registration and Introductions
6pm-7pm : Dinner and Socializing
7pm-8pm : Enablement and Teaming
8pm-10pm : Exploration and Ideation
Day 2 - Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 8am to 10pm
8am-9am : Continental Breakfast (lite) and Wake Up!
9am-12pm: Hacking Away and Sprint #1
12pm-1pm: Lunch and Stretch Break
1pm-5pm : Hacking Away and Sprint #2
5pm-6pm : Dinner and Interfacing
6pm-9pm : Hacking Away and Sprint #3
9pm-10pm: Prep for "Show and Tell" Session
Day 3 - Sunday, April 29, 2018 from 8am to 5pm
8am-9am : Continental Breakfast (lite) and Wake Up!
9am-12pm: Hacking Away (the Last Sprint)
12pm-1pm: Lunch and Stretch (but not too much)
1pm-2pm : Getting Ready for the Unveiling
2pm-4pm : "Show and Tell" Session & Peer Survey
4pm-5pm: Closing Ceremonies & Celebration
More details as they become available. Please let us know if you have dietary restrictions and we will endeavor to accommodate as best as possible. Thanks!
If you are a student follow these instructions to access IBM Cloud resources:
Students have access to IBM assets (cloud, watson analytics, etc.) via the IBM Academic Initiative
From the 'onthehub' link above students will be able to sign in to their respective institutions using their school single sign-ons as the site directs them to such as:
Mohawk College Access
McMaster University Access
If you are not a student follow these instructions to access IBM Cloud resources:
Go here to signup for IBM Cloud account and get an IBMid to create your account! Build on IBM Cloud for free with no time restrictions. Guaranteed free development with Lite plans.
Go here to register for IBM Watson Analytics (30 day trial) - Find hidden patterns in your data, build dashboards and visualizations, gain instant insights and share your findings.
Want some ideas of what's possible? Then check out the GitHub for IBM Cloud for some starter projects.
Looking to get your bearings? Getting ready for a hackathon? Here is some great material to get you started.
More details to follow as they are hacked out!