HIV Hack Workshop #4

Organized by

    4th Workshop in preparation of the HIV Drug Resistance Hackathon! A first Dataset on drug resistance cases around the world will be presented. A more specific example based around Tansania will also be shown. First examples of Data Visualisation will be done. TO PARTICIPATE, simply register here on Eventbrite, show up at the following time and place and jump in the think tank!  >> 28th August 2018, 18 : 30, DigitYser (40 Blvd d'Anvers, 1000 Bruxelles). Join us in the fight of HIV Drug Resistance! Agenda: Part1: 20’ - Serge/Annelie - Introduction about the objectives of the hackathon Part2: 20’ - Jenny - How to find data how to selected the valid variables introduction to the first model Part 3: 20’ - Presentation of the dataset of the world database Part 4: 20’ - Serge will explain what he discovered about the Tansanian data Part 5: Start Workshop: Worksession on strategy to find data (for the non-technical people) Hands-On exercise - about visualisation


    Bruxelles, Belgium


    From 28th August 2018 - 06:30 PM
    to 28th August 2018 - 08:00 PM