I_Hack Hackathon, E-Summit 2019, IIT Bombay

Organized by

    At I_Hack 2019, we bring together India’s best coders, developers, designers, innovators, creators and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. I_Hack is geared up for those who are passionate about building, designing and innovating. It is a 30-Hour event where the enthusiasts meet, develop and compete in the product prototyping competition. I_Hack comprises of 3 parallel tracks : Software Hardware Blockchain Come and compete for a prize pool worth INR 3 Lakhs. Visit ihack.ecell.in for more info Do join our Slack and Telegram channel to talk to us, ask questions, know more about your track and form teams. Slack Group:  https://join.slack.com/t/ihack2019/shared_invite/enQtNTE1ODg0NzY4MzM3LWE4YThhMDYxNWNiZmY5OGM4MmRlNzA0MTViOGM5ODU0YTk3YzkyNjBjZGU4NWI5ZTY4Yjk2MDQxN2ExYmU2NmU Telegram Link: https://t.me/joinchat/J6Nt9xLMD3m822UM6L1WQQ Date: 19 and 20 January 2019 Feel free to reach out to us at ihack@ecell.in


    Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
    Mumbai, India


    From 19th January 2019 - 08:00 AM
    to 20th January 2019 - 08:00 PM