I HEART TECH is inviting 250 students to come learn, play, and create. There will be an endless amount of fun learn opportunities including: 1-hour Coding Classes, Building your own web page, the basics of Graphic Design using Adobe's creative tools, building and competing with robots, Game Design, Digital Publishing, and many more! There will also be 3D Printers, CNC MILLS, EGG-BOT, and WATERCOLOR ROT for you to play and create with! And if this in not enough then you can also join the night before for an all-night hackathon (for more advanced coders).   Come and bring all your friends, the more the merrier!


Adobe Lehi Building
Lehi, United States


From 5th December 2015 - 09:00 AM
to 5th December 2015 - 04:00 PM