IgniteSTEMx Princeton
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UPDATE: IgniteSTEMx Princeton has been rescheduled for January 13 due to weather complications. We hope to see you there for our new date! Please be sure to re-register with the new January 13th ticket option, even if you have already registered befor.
IgniteSTEM is a free conference for educators to transform K-12 education through innovative approaches found in hackathons, design thinking, and maker spaces. Partnering with Wolfram Alpha, The New York Academy of Science and Google Education, we are hosting this year's IgniteSTEMx Princeton conference on January 13th at Princeton University.
This year at the conference, we'll be hearing from thought leaders representing Major League Hacking, Princeton Entrepreneurship, She++, and Facebook Education Modernization. The confernce will be a blend of keynote speeches, hands-on workshops, and discussions (as well as table talks with speakers and edTech giveaways) to best help transform ideas from the conference into actionable change.
A schedule for the day can be found below:
We're looking forward to a great conference and hope you choose to join us! Be sure to follow us on Twitter @ignite_stem and on Facebook. For any questions, please feel free to email ozhang@princeton.edu or mdijkgraaf@princeton.edu!
From 13th January 2018 - 09:00 AM
to 13th January 2018 - 04:00 PM
to 13th January 2018 - 04:00 PM