Impeach!!!! Rapid Response Creative Hackathon

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    When a spice company from Wisconsin is delivering the only robust social media response in support of impeachment... we've got a problem.   Looks like it's time for the Grassroots media makers to step in.   If you are ready to put an end to the Trump administration and create a government that works for all of us, we need you.  All hands on deck. The time is now.   COLLECTIVE AGENCY   and BY THE PEOPLE  invite you to a   RAPID REPSONSE IMPEACHMENT CREATIVE HACKATHON    Saturday, October 18th, 2019 Artists, activists and creative professionals will gather for five hours of strategy and media creation to create pro-impeachment media.    Graphic Designers, coders, animators, videographers, editors,  brand experts, social media afficionados: bring your creative energy and political passion because our voices can shift the course of history.    We'll be gathering in NYC but you can join us virtually from anywhere in the US.     Past Collective Agency Creative Hackathons include: Tax March (with Working Families Party) #MayDayAction  (with CASA  in Action) Universal Health Care - as part of Action Blitz ACA Enrollment  - as part of Action Blitz Reproductive Helath Act  - in partnership with Senator Alessandra Biaggi, #VOTEPROCHOICE, The Arena, RHAVote, WHARR and Action Blitz   This  is rapid response initiative -  details are evolving. We'll keep  you updated!   Collective Agency will provide: Message polling information so that we know we are creating the most effective messaging Image, graphic and music resources snacks and lunch for cretives who join us in NYC   A we have done in past creative hackathons,  we expect to create tons of video and social assets - all of which will be available to progressive orgs.



    From 19th October 2019 - 10:00 AM
    to 19th October 2019 - 04:00 PM