Industry 4.0 Hack Day

Organized by

    Industry Pioneers brings together the brightest minds to unlock the potential of new technologies that are driving the fourth industrial revolution and shaping the future of smart manufacturing. Pioneers Discover invites you to join the final event of the Industry 4.0 Hackathon to learn more about the startup challenges of our corporate partners Miba, KEBA, TGW and Voestalpine, and how to successfully cooperate with startups to achieve your innovation goals. Agenda 16:00 - 16:30     Registration and Networking 16:30 - 17:00     Keynote ‘New trends in Industry 4.0 field' 17:00 - 18:00     Startup Pitches - 8 finalists of Industry 4.0 Hackathon 18:00 - 18:40     Panel Discussion ‘How to succeed in startup-corporate collaboration: expert insights on best                            practices' 18:40 - 19:00     Closing words and award ceremony 19:00 - 20:00     Dinner & Networking The topics of the Industry 4.0 Hackathon are: Miba: Predictive quality process improvement with visual inspection to identify abnormalities from pictures and data to predict the quality of products. Keba: Finding a new way to teach an industrial robot a new job. What is the technical concept and an initial implementation of a new, intuitive and innovative approach to learn a robot a new task? TGW Group: Development of a Digital Twin for TGWs 'PickCenter Revolution', which picks up items and places them in target positions. Voestalpine: Development of a traceable, fraud-proof immutability of quality certificates built on blockchain or tangle technology. Register for the event and learn more about new trends in Industry 4.0 field! See you there? Your Pioneers Team


    Austria, Austria


    From 14th November 2018 - 04:00 PM
    to 14th November 2018 - 08:00 PM