Information Design Hackathon

Organized by

    Information Design Hackathon DOM-E0003 Department of Media, Aalto ARTS. Using open data from Helsinki's HelDev we want to produce a range of visualizations on GoogleEarth. We will touch:                             - design with data (analysis, contents, relations)                             - design with code (structures, functions, processes)                             - design with representations (layouts, objects, interactions) We expect a good mix of expertises such as concept developing, scenario building, visualizing, 3-D modeling (SketchUp), coding (KML, PHP, HTML, CSS), writing, team working... If motivation and enthusiasm is strong - none of these is required ;-)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Schedule:                             Day 1:                                                          Presentation of examples                                                          What is HelDev (guest presentation)                                                          Use-Cases: local communities, actors, motivations                                                          Collecting and understanding Data                                                          Idea Spikes                             Day 2:                                                          Scenarios: context, actors, features                                                          Visualization Spikes                                                          Data-flow and management                                                          3-D modeling                                                          KML prototypes                             Day 3:                                                          Connecting the dots                                                          Presentation                                                          Documentation


    miestentie 3
    Espoo, Finland


    From 24th May 2017 - 09:00 AM
    to 26th May 2017 - 05:00 PM