Innovation Labs 2018 Iași DemoDay

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    Asociația Calemis Iași invites its Innovation Labs 2018 edition graduating teams in the spotlight. After their intense journey through a Hackathon and 3-month mentored development, the finalist teams from Iași are ready to pitch their prototypes and demonstrate their functionality at the stands.Join Innovation Labs’ young participants and champion their evolution towards successful products!Innovation Labs is a mentoring and development program that guides students and graduates through a tech startup experience. Program partners open bleeding-edge technologies for experimentation and product development, while top mentors from industry and business join forces with teams in their venture. Innovation Labs is anchored in Universities, bridging Romania’s tech education with lived experience and insights from within the IT industry and startup ecosystem. Demo Day is both a celebration of teams’ transformative work and a starting point for their upcoming journey, inviting angel investors, partners and media to discover the seeds of future tech infrastructures and disruptive products.


    Biblioteca Facultății de Informatică, UAIC
    Iasi, Romania


    From 10th May 2018 - 06:00 PM
    to 10th May 2018 - 09:00 PM